Water & Sewer
The city water and sewer services are billed monthly by the City of Fertile. Bills are mailed out on the first of each month and are due by the 20th of each month. Bills not paid by the 20th are assessed a late payment charge of 10%.
Pay your bills on-line! The City of Fertile now offers online access to our water customers so they can go online to view and/or pay their water and sewer bill. There is a small transaction fee that will be charged for online payments. Click here (www.ub-pay.com) and use Municipal Code: FertileMN540
A copy of our water billing policy can be downloaded here.

Ottertail Electric provides electrical service to the city and can be reached at 800-257-4044 in Crookston, Minnesota.
Sanitation in the city of Fertile and the surrounding area is handled by Stuhaug Sanitation and can be reached at 218-945-6707.
Natural Gas
Lakes Community Cooperative. Lake Park, MN 218-238-5911 or 800-992-6671
Cable and Internet

Cable, Telephone and Internet services are provided by Garden Valley Telephone Company in Erskine. For service information, call 1-218-687-5251.
The site is located on the northeast corner of the Industrial Park just off of 105th Ave. SW. The site can be used for yard waste such as leaves, plants and small branches. Signage at the site indicates where these items are to be placed. There is to be no dumping of household garbage or appliances. All leaves and yard debris are to be removed from plastic bags and the City asks that the plastic bags be removed from the site. If you have any questions, you may contact the City of Fertile at 945-3136.