Proud to belong to Fertile!

Our Community

Fertile Fire Department

Fire Hall

Fertile has a 25 member volunteer fire department. They cover 273 square miles in Fertile and the surrounding areas. They are trained in structural fires, grass fires, and auto-extraction. The volunteers meet for the regular business meeting the first thursday of every month at 7:30 PM. They meet the third Thursday of every month at 6:30 PM for a training meeting. Find us on the web!



  • Jaws of Life
  • 1 tanker
  • Grass and Brush ridges
  • Main line Pumper



  • Wolfe Clark, Fire Chief
  • Jason Haas, First Assistant Chief
  • Todd Dufault, Second Assistant Chief
  • Vern Anderson, Secretary/Treasurer


Contact Information

For emergencies dial 911. To contact the office of the Fire Hall, call 945-6470. To send a fax, call 945-6471.